Stand-Alone Embedded System for Power Control in a FSAE Race Car
I am working with a team of 4 other students to design and manufacture an embedded system responsible for distributing and controlling power for all endpoints on the University of Calgary FSAE race car.
Updates and Progress
The majority of the project has been finished since the last update. All that is left is final testing and tuning on the actual race car. Check out the website my team made here with lots of details about our design and process.
The design work for the project has been completed. Currently I am working on finalizing the PCB that will be used to test the MCU and CAN modules. Below is the design report my team wrote to outline our design and design process.
While no technical work has yet to be done, over the last couple weeks the team has been undergoing an important planning
phase. I have begun to research and test the current third-party PDM to get a better idea of its features and limitations.
Together the team has started a preliminary list of requirements our design needs to meet. I also began to run simple
"Hello World" style C++ code on a development board with the ARM microprocessor we will likely be using for our final design.
The team also met with our academic advisor who agreed to assist us with our project and shared valuable advice we can incorporate into our design and use when practicing engineering principles.
My next steps are to finalize our designs requirements and create a design road-map which will include a preliminary design and timeline.