FinTech Research with the Haskayne School of Business
I am employed part time under Dr. Alfred Lehar as a research assistant where I work with various blockchain technologies.
Here I will keep track of my progression, major learnings, and accomplishments.
Updates and Progress
I have finished the first version of a software program that indexes the bitcoin blockchain into a postgreSQL database. The program is written in the Julia programming language and extracts data for every block and the associated transactions stored in the block and stores this data in four different tables. The program also uses other data sources to identify the mining pool that mined the block and the USD price when the block was mined.
I have begun my own research on DeFi technologies while my initial work tasks are being organized. Very quickly
I realized that 1) blockchain technologies and the many advancements that have been made are remarkable and 2)
this is a huge field and there is a lot ot learn. I know I learn best when I get to work on new technologies
myself and can follow the natural process of stumbling into problems and finding a solution myself. For this
reason I am looking forward to some of my upcoming work in this role.
I attended the Crypto and Blockchain Economics Research (CBER) Forum's symposium on front-running, incentives, and
cyclical arbitrage. I listened and took notes from each speaker while trying to think-through these concepts myself.